Monthly Auto Ship

Save 30%! Stay Qualified! Never miss a check

Monthly Auto Ship will automatically ship your order at the beginning of each month. You will get any products you wish to purchase at a 30% discount. Any combination of products, choose your favorites!

OK! Let's make it easy!
Free Bottle of Cat's Claw Every Month!

If your MAS order is for at least $100.00, then you are ALWAYS PV QUALIFIED plus a FREE bottle of Cat's Claw Capsules will be included with your order each month.

Use the form below now to take advantage of MAS and FREE Cat's Claw Capsules. Of course, you may order any amount of other products, you need at any time.
Sponsor Name: Ann Ward Leister SSN/ ID#: 231961068
MAS ORDER Unit Vol. Item Description Retail Price Wholesale Price
2oz. ARCOZON $25.00 $17.50
2oz. DIGESTAZON $25.00 $17.50
2oz. CALMAZON $25.00 $17.50
2oz. ENVIROZON $25.00 $17.50
2oz. LUNAZON $25.00 $17.50
2oz. RECOVAZON $25.00 $17.50
2oz. WARRIOR $25.00 $17.50
100caps SUMA $15.00 $10.50
2oz. SUMACAZON $15.00 $10.50
80caps UNA DE GATO $15.00 $10.50
2oz. UNA DE GATO $25.00 $17.50
1 each Travel Kit-Includes 8
1/2 oz. Bottles
$130.00 $91.00
8 oz. ILLUMINATION $40.00 $28.00
250caps ILLUMINATION $40.00 $28.00
If order is greater than $100. a free bottle of Cat's Claw Capsules will be included in the shipment.
Billing Information

Please fill out the following section as completely as possible.
Name: First: Mi: Last:
Phone Number:   Fax number:
City: State: Zip Code:

If ordering to or from a country other than the United States of America, please include country code, city code, and number in the phone number blanks. For Canadian orders place your Province and Postal Code in the appropriate boxes for State/Zip Code.

Shipping Information

If the shipping information differs from the Billing information, fill out the following section:
Phone Number:
City: State: Zip Code:

Payment Information
Payment Options
Check in the mail. Print this page, make check/cheque or money-order/draft payable to Rainforest Bio Energetics and mail to this address:
Ann Ward Leister
3419 Virginia Beach Blvd; Box 149
Virginia Beach, VA 23452
Credit Card.

Accepted Credit Cards

    Visa MasterCard Discover

Name on Credit Card:
Credit Card Number:  (No spaces or hyphens please)
Expiration Date:  (mmyy or mm/yy)
If using a credit card make sure the billing address for the card is entered in the Billing Information section above as the credit card company has it.

Please enter your personal message and/or any information regarding specifics of preferred time and date of delivery.

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